Every post on this site is shown in the monthly archives below.
However, the index pages shown in the menus at the top of the page organise the posts into their relevant categories. They also include additional material not shown below.
- December 1, 1952: Werriwa Counting Nearly Complete
- March 19, 1953: Gough Whitlam’s Maiden Speech
- February 9, 1967: Newspapers Report Whitlam’s Election As ALP Leader
- June 9, 1967: Certainly, The Impotent Are Pure: Whitlam’s Speech To The Victorian ALP State Conference
- October 1, 1969: Whitlam’s 1969 Election Policy Speech
- March 8, 1971: The Malcolm Fraser We Once Knew
- October 13, 1971: Paul Jones And Whitlam’s Image
- November 13, 1972: When Labor Speaks, Who’s Really Talking?
- November 13, 1972: It’s Time: Audio, Video And Lyrics
- November 13, 1972: It’s Time: Whitlam’s 1972 Election Policy Speech
- November 25, 1972: It Is Time For A Change: The Australian’s First Editorial Supporting A Change Of Government
- November 27, 1972: Snedden, McMahon, Whitlam And Gair On The Campaign Trail
- December 1, 1972: The Party For The Times: The Australian’s Second Editorial Endorsing Whitlam
- December 2, 1972: Prime Minister William McMahon Concedes Defeat
- December 20, 1972: Whitlam’s First Address To The Nation As Prime Minister
- January 26, 1973: Australia Day 1973: Whitlam Announces Search For New Anthem
- February 12, 1973: The Adventures Of Edward Gough Whitlam: Smacka Fitzgibbon
- February 28, 1973: Voting Age Lowered to 18 – First Legislative Action of Whitlam Government
- July 1, 1973: Whitlam Labor’s First Six Months – An Assessment
- July 10, 1973: Whitlam’s Address To The ALP National Conference
- July 30, 1973: Foreign Policy: Whitlam’s Washington Address
- December 14, 1973: This Day Tonight Reviews 1973
- December 17, 1973: Blue Poles: Would You Pay $1.3m For This?
- March 12, 1974: Dear Prime Minister…
- April 2, 1974: Whitlam Questioned On Gair Appointment
- April 4, 1974: Liberal Party Announces It Will Block Supply; Whitlam Threatens Double Dissolution
- April 9, 1974: Amidst Gair Affair, Killen And Daly Debate The Appropriation Bill
- April 10, 1974: Whitlam Announces 1974 Double Dissolution Election
- April 11, 1974: Full Poll In May: Sun
- April 11, 1974: A Blow To Democracy: The Age
- April 11, 1974: Sir Paul Hasluck’s 1974 Proclamation Dissolving Parliament
- April 16, 1974: Address To The Nation: Gough Whitlam On Why The 1974 Election Was Called
- April 23, 1974: Bill Snedden’s Address To The Nation
- April 29, 1974: Whitlam’s 1974 Election Policy Speech
- April 30, 1974: Opposition Leader Billy Snedden’s 1974 Election Policy Speech
- May 3, 1974: An Unduly Pessimistic Nation Review
- May 13, 1974: Michael Pate ALP Advertisement: 1974 Federal Election
- May 18, 1974: 1974 Federal Election: The Election Night Count
- May 19, 1974: The Day After: 1974 Federal Election Radio Reports
- August 6, 1974: Historic Joint Sitting Of The Australian Parliament
- August 6, 1974: Joint Sitting Of Parliament: Whitlam’s Opening Speech
- August 15, 1974: Kerr’s First Letter to Sir Martin Charteris (Palace Letters)
- August 26, 1974: Whitlam’s National Broadcast On The Budget And Inflation
- September 1, 1974: Whitlam Comments On His Government’s Program
- September 2, 1974: The First Letter From Martin Charteris To Sir John Kerr (Palace Letters)
- September 17, 1974: Treasurer Frank Crean’s 1974 Budget Speech
- October 6, 1974: Whitlam Appears On NBC’s Meet The Press
- December 26, 1974: Darwin Wiped Out
- January 1, 1975: Whitlam’s 1975 ALP Membership Ticket
- February 6, 1975: Labor In Danger Of Losing Its Liberalism: Forell
- April 10, 1975: Whitlam Proposes Optional Preferential Voting
- April 19, 1975: Whitlam Would Make Australia A Republic: Joh
- April 26, 1975: Bjelke-Petersen Afraid Of Gestapo Agents
- May 13, 1975: Whitlam Tries To Speak Greek On 3ZZ
- May 13, 1975: Whitlam’s Report To The Nation On CHOGM And US Visit
- June 8, 1975: Alan Ramsey: Hawke The Squawk
- June 10, 1975: Whitlam’s Press Conference Following Ministerial Reshuffle
- June 11, 1975: $4000m Loans Affair Letters
- June 13, 1975: The Australian: Let Us See The Khemlani Letter
- June 13, 1975: John Jost: Previewing The Bass By-Election
- June 13, 1975: Paul Kelly: Fraser Gets A Gift Shot
- June 13, 1975: Gallup Poll: Labor’s Vote Slumps
- June 18, 1975: Fraser Alleges Gerrymander
- June 27, 1975: PM, Teacher Clash At Bass Meeting
- June 28, 1975: Bass By-Election: Labor In Need Of A Miracle
- June 29, 1975: Sunday Observer: Get Out Gough
- June 30, 1975: Fraser: We’ll Win Any Federal Election Now
- June 30, 1975: Australian Editorial: Bass Thumps Whitlam
- June 30, 1975: Collette Cartoon: Bass By-Election
- July 1, 1975: Tanner Cartoon: Bass By-Election
- July 9, 1975: Parliament Recalled To Debate Loans Affair
- July 9, 1975: Loans Affair: Special One-Day Sitting
- July 11, 1975: PM’s Birthday Blast
- July 11, 1975: Bruce Petty Loans Affair Cartoon
- July 15, 1975: Whitlam’s Press Conference Following Cairns Sacking And Loans Affair Sitting
- August 1, 1975: Whitlam Promises To Drink More
- August 16, 1975: Gurindji Land Ceremony
- September 30, 1975: Whitlam Attends Funeral Of Jack Lang
- October 14, 1975: Ellicott Says The Governor-General Will Have To Dismiss Whitlam If Supply Is Blocked
- October 14, 1975: Rex Connor Resigns As Loans Affair Delivers Fraser’s “Reprehensible Circumstances”
- October 15, 1975: The Age: “Go now, go decently”
- October 15, 1975: Fraser Announces The Coalition Will Block Supply
- October 15, 1975: Whitlam Responds To Fraser’s Decision To Block Supply: Parliamentary Democracy Is Under Challenge
- October 15, 1975: Senator Withers Moves To Defer Passage Of The Supply Bills
- October 15, 1975: Palindromic Pro-Consul Speaks Out
- October 15, 1975: October 15, 1975: A Big and Dramatic Day In Australian Politics
- October 16, 1975: It’s Chaos! Canberra Deadlock
- October 16, 1975: It’s Government By Crisis
- October 16, 1975: Reporting The First Day Of The Constitutional Crisis
- October 16, 1975: The First Day Of The Constitutional Crisis
- October 19, 1975: Bob Ellicott Says Governor-General Has Power To Dismiss Whitlam
- October 19, 1975: Whitlam Maintains Attack On Opposition In Weekly TV Addresses
- October 19, 1975: Fraser Says Blocking Supply Is Justified By Economic Circumstances And Government Scandals
- October 21, 1975: Sir Robert Menzies Supports The Blocking Of Supply
- November 6, 1975: Five Days Before The Dismissal, Michael Willesee Interviews Gough Whitlam
- November 10, 1975: Sir Garfield Barwick’s Advice To Sir John Kerr
- November 11, 1975: On The Morning Of The Dismissal
- November 11, 1975: Sir John Kerr’s Letter Of Dismissal
- November 11, 1975: Kerr’s Statement Of Reasons
- November 11, 1975: Lunchtime On November 11: The Media Reacts To The Calling Of A Half Senate Election
- November 11, 1975: Fraser’s Acceptance Of A Caretaker Commission
- November 11, 1975: Whitlam Sacked: Front Page Of Adelaide News
- November 11, 1975: Kerr’s Proclamation Dissolving Parliament
- November 11, 1975: Gough Whitlam’s Post-Dismissal Press Conference
- November 12, 1975: Sir John Was Wrong: The Age
- November 12, 1975: Peter Bowers: Bulldog Becomes The Underdog
- November 12, 1975: Cutting The Knot: Sydney Morning Herald Editorial
- November 12, 1975: Vice-Regal Notice – November 11
- November 12, 1975: Selected Audio Clips From The Constitutional Crisis
- November 12, 1975: Speaker Scholes’ Letter To The Queen
- November 17, 1975: Letter From The Queen’s Private Secretary
- November 24, 1975: Whitlam’s 1975 Election Policy Speech
- November 26, 1975: Doug Anthony’s 1975 Country Party Policy Speech
- November 27, 1975: Malcolm Fraser’s 1975 Election Policy Speech
- December 10, 1975: The Sun: Snedden Cuts, Fraser No!
- December 10, 1975: Selected Audio Clips From The 1975 Election Campaign
- December 14, 1975: Sunday Observer: “Thank Bloody Christ”
- December 15, 1975: A Lack Of Communication?
- January 26, 1976: Kerr’s 1976 Australia Day Message
- September 1, 1976: Kerr Speaks Of The Queen And Young People
- September 9, 1976: The Death Of Chairman Mao Tse-Tung
- November 11, 1976: It’s Time For A New Constitution
- February 8, 1977: Whitlam’s 10th Anniversary As ALP Leader
- July 19, 1977: Kerr’s Retirement in London (Palace Letters)
- November 1, 1977: Sir John Kerr Drunk At The Melbourne Cup
- November 17, 1977: Whitlam’s 1977 Election Policy Speech
- November 28, 1977: 1977 Federal Election: Whitlam Addresses ALP Election Rally At Moorabbin Town Hall
- November 30, 1977: Did The Earth Move For You Too, Dear…
- December 10, 1977: Whitlam Resigns The ALP Leadership Following Election Defeat
- December 10, 1977: Whitlam Concedes Defeat, Resigns Leadership
- February 9, 1978: Fraser Appoints Kerr Ambassador To UNESCO
- March 2, 1978: Kerr Quits UNESCO Ambassadorship; Fraser’s Parliamentary Statement
- April 28, 1978: Whitlam’s T.J. Ryan Memorial Lecture: “Reform During Recession – The Way Ahead”
- February 8, 1979: Whitlam Launches “The Truth Of The Matter”
- July 4, 1980: Whitlam And McClelland Speak At NSW Labor Lawyers Dinner
- November 11, 1980: Five Years After The Dismissal, Whitlam Speaks To Derryn Hinch
- September 1, 1983: Il Dismissale: Max Gillies On The Dismissal
- November 10, 1985: Ten Years On, Channel 9’s Sunday Program Remembers The Dismissal
- November 11, 1985: Whitlam Addresses The National Press Club On The Dismissal’s 10th Anniversary
- November 11, 1985: Whitlam Interviewed By Willesee On 10th Anniversary of The Dismissal
- November 11, 1985: Gough Whitlam Interviewed On The 10th Anniversary Of The Dismissal
- November 11, 1985: The National Remembers The Whitlam Dismissal And Talks To Albert Patrick Field
- November 11, 1985: Four Corners: 10th Anniversary Of The Dismissal
- November 15, 1985: Future Directions For Reform In Australia
- November 11, 1987: Sir John Kerr Breaks His Silence And Talks To Geoffrey Robertson
- July 30, 1990: Centenary Of Arbor Day
- March 25, 1991: Sir John Kerr Dies, 76
- April 9, 1991: Keating On Kerr
- April 28, 1991: Margaret Whitlam: The CIA Might Have Been Involved
- May 1, 1993: Whitlam’s Account Of November 11
- November 11, 1994: Australia Needs A New Flag
- November 8, 1995: Whitlam: The Coup Twenty Years After
- November 11, 1995: Twentieth Anniversary: Maintain Your Rage And Enthusiasm
- November 11, 1995: 20 Years On: Four Corners Remembers The Dismissal
- July 11, 1996: Howard Congratulates Whitlam On Turning 80
- February 9, 1997: Whitlam’s Address At The Opening Of The Trade Union Education Foundation
- July 8, 1997: Whitlam Comments On Barwick’s Letter To Kerr
- July 25, 1997: Whitlam Address To Murdoch University Student Law Society
- August 15, 1997: Gough Whitlam’s Eulogy For Lance Barnard: “My Oldest And Best Mate”
- December 3, 1997: Whitlam: A PM On PMs
- May 17, 1999: Whitlam’s Speech At The 175th Anniversary Of The Supreme Court Of NSW
- July 17, 1999: Kevin Newman, Former Fraser Minister, Dies, 65
- May 24, 2000: That Politicians Have Lost Their Sense Of Humour
- November 10, 2000: Brandis: Kerr “A Good And Decent Man Demonised”
- November 11, 2000: 25th Anniversary Of The Dismissal
- November 11, 2000: Some Effects And Interpretations Of The Whitlam Dismissal
- November 11, 2000: Opening The Dismissal Exhibition: Speech By Gough Whitlam
- November 11, 2000: Constitutional Changes After 1975
- March 10, 2001: Buckingham Palace Regrets
- May 8, 2001: Centenary Of ALP Caucus 1901-2001: Whitlam Speech
- November 1, 2001: Constitutional Conventions in Australia
- November 1, 2001: Casual Senate Vacancies And The Whitlam Government
- November 1, 2001: Choosing Governments in the Westminster System
- November 1, 2001: Key Questions Arising from the Whitlam Dismissal
- November 1, 2001: Out Of Empire: Monash University Course Notes
- January 5, 2002: Has Malcolm Changed?
- March 11, 2002: Whitlam On His Appointment Of Kerr
- July 11, 2002: Birthday Boy Proposes Major ALP Reforms
- October 31, 2002: Whitlam Says Kerr Needed Frequent Drying Out
- November 10, 2002: Whitlam In His Own Words
- December 2, 2002: The Relevance Of The Whitlam Government Today
- June 30, 2003: Maintain the Rag, A Celebration of the Whitlam Years
- October 12, 2003: Jim Cairns, Conscience Of Labor, Dies, 89
- July 24, 2004: Whitlam’s Message To The Liberal Party’s Killen Dinner
- August 6, 2004: Joint Sitting 30th Anniversary
- January 18, 2005: Whitlam’s Tribute To Mark Latham
- May 25, 2005: Graham Kennedy, The King, Dies, 71
- June 5, 2005: Philhellenes And Philologists: NSW Teachers Of Modern Greek
- November 11, 2005: Howard Defends Kerr
- November 11, 2005: The Dismissal – 30th Anniversary
- December 21, 2005: Cutler Advised Kerr To Warn Whitlam
- December 31, 2005: 1975 Cabinet Papers Released
- May 7, 2006: Richard Carleton, A Face From The Dismissal, Dies, 62
- July 11, 2006: Whitlam, Grand Old Man Of Australian Politics, Turns 90
- January 6, 2007: Santamaria’s Role In The Dismissal
- January 19, 2007: Gough Whitlam’s Eulogy For Sir James Killen
- February 2, 2007: Paul Jones, Creator Of ‘It’s Time’ Advertisement, Dies
- April 28, 2007: Gough and Margaret Whitlam Awarded ALP National Life Membership
- June 4, 2007: Tom Burns Dies, 75; Accompanied Whitlam On Historic China Visit
- July 11, 2007: Gough Whitlam, 91 Years Young
- October 13, 2007: Kim Beazley snr, Whitlam’s Education Minister, Dies, 90
- March 15, 2008: Hardman And Hater, Cameron Bows Out With Fire Still Burning
- January 2, 2010: Alexandra Hasluck: How One Strong Woman Changed The Course Of Australian History
- April 12, 2011: How The Queen Heard About Whitlam’s Dismissal
- March 17, 2012: Margaret Whitlam Dies, 92
- March 23, 2012: Parliamentary Tributes To Margaret Whitlam
- June 6, 2012: Malcolm Fraser’s Whitlam Oration
- August 24, 2012: Mason: The Third Man In Whitlam’s Downfall
- August 26, 2012: Whitlam Comments On Hocking’s Biography
- August 26, 2012: When Murdoch Fought Whitlam
- August 27, 2012: Mason Disputes Details But Largely Confirms Kerr’s Account Of Their Discussions
- February 24, 2013: Joan Child, First Female ALP Member Of House, First Female Speaker, Dies, 91
- July 11, 2013: Whitlam Turns 97
- September 24, 2013: A New World (for sure): The Labor Years 1972-75
- October 10, 2013: Whitlam Votes In ALP Leadership Election
- July 11, 2014: Whitlam Turns 98
- October 21, 2014: GOUGH WHITLAM DIES AT 98
- October 21, 2014: House Of Representatives Marks Death Of Gough Whitlam
- October 24, 2014: Abbott Announces Memorial Service For Gough Whitlam
- October 27, 2014: House Of Representatives Condolences For Gough Whitlam Continue
- October 27, 2014: Senate Condolences For Gough Whitlam
- October 28, 2014: House Of Representatives Condolences For Whitlam Conclude