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Posts tagged as “Liberal Party”

Malcolm Fraser’s 1975 Election Policy Speech

Malcolm Fraser delivered the Liberal Party Policy Speech for the 1975 Federal Election in Melbourne on November 27.

The speech was delayed by two days due to Fraser being ill.

  • Listen to audio of Fraser’s televised speech (30m)

Transcript of Caretaker Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser’s 1975 Election Policy Speech.

FraserThe Australian people face a historic decision on December 13.

On that day, we will be deciding the future of our country.

Let us all as Australians determine to restore prosperity, defeat inflation and provide jobs for all.

Let us all as Australians decide to reward initiative and encourage achievement.

Let us decide to realise at last the aspirations of all Australians for security, self-respect and for freedom to control our own lives.

This election results from the dishonesty and incompetence of the Whitlam Labor Government.
Malcolm Farnsworth
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